March 20, 2014

Vanilla Bean Éclairs (and a giveaway!)

titleWhen I was a little girl I hated ballet class. I was never one for intense negative emotion, not for any virtuous reason, simply because I was, and am, a generally mild mannered person. But ballet class I hated. I can’t really recall any other thing from my childhood that provoked that fierce a dislike. Not even chicken livers nor tennis lessons…and that is saying a lot.

I was never a coordinated child and most certainly not one that could ever stretch into gracefulness (sadly these attributes didn’t manifest themselves in adulthood either). Neither did I really enjoy physical exertions (that didn’t come with adulthood either), preferring to burrow with a book and a big bowl of rice and beans liberally laced with extra virgin olive oil and a spattering of red wine vinegar. I was round and soft and white with a mass of wild curly hair (those attributes did decide to stay on into adulthood I am sorry to report despite semi-starvation, scorching hair-straightening, and truly death-defying tanning). Slap that into a pink leotard in the middle of a flock of twirling, shiny-haired, lighter-than-air little ballerinas and that, my dear friends Flower shop, is my version of hell.

Not that the little ballerinas where bad people (now, wouldn’t that have been horrid? You might as well have thrown in the chicken livers!). Not at all, in fact they were all quite nice and relatively harmless. I actually like ballerinas a lot – they are lovely to watch! It’s just that, heavy-footed and heavy-handed, I knew, even in my young and immature heart, that I was in a place I so totally was not meant to be. And in my inexperienced youth, all I could helplessly think was "why am I here??”

It’s been a very long time since ballet class, and I have learned quite a few things about trying to stick a curly peg into a straight hole. I have since learned to embrace most things about myself (my hair and I, I fear, are still fated to remain frenemies). I am also learning to pay more attention when I hear that voice plaintively ask "why am I here??” And realize that, no longer a child, I can actually do something about it.

I am still heavy-handed however, which is why I can never quite pull off delicate confections like éclairs. Unlike ballet class though, I love desserts, so I do my best anyway cube organizers.

Vanilla Bean Éclairs
(pâte à choux and crème pâtissière slightly adapted from Martha Stewart’s Baking Handbook, glaze slightly adapted from Sweetapolita)

For the vanilla bean crème pâtissière (pastry cream)

2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup sugar, divided in two
1 vanilla bean, split lengthways, seeds scraped
A pinch of salt
4 large egg yolks
1/4 cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into small pieces

For the pâte à choux (cream puff and éclair pastry)

1/2 cup unsalted butter, cut into pieces
1 teaspoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
4 large eggs, plus 1 large egg white if needed

For the vanilla bean glaze

1 vanilla bean, split lengthways, seeds scraped
1/4 cup whole milk
3 cups confectioners’ sugar

- Make your crème pâtissière. In a saucepan, combine the milk, 1/4 cup sugar, vanilla bean and seeds, and salt. Cook over medium heat until this comes to a simmer SKI TRIP.
- In a bowl whisk the egg yolks, cornstarch, and the remaining 1/4 cup sugar until homogenous. Whisking constantly, slowly pour about 1/2 cup of the hot milk mixture into the egg yolk mixture. Continue to add the milk mixture, about a half cup at a time, whisking, until everything is incorporated.
- Pour the mixture back in the saucepan and cook over medium high heat, whisking constantly, until it thickens (or reaches 160F on an instant read thermometer –I didn’t have one). Remove from the heat and remove the vanilla bean from the mixture.
- Transfer the mixture to the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with a paddle attachment. Add the butter and beat on medium speed until the butter has melted and the mixture cools, about 5 minutes.
- When the mixture cools transfer to a bowl and cover with plastic wrap, pressing it direcly onto the surface of the crème pâtissière to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate until chilled, for a minimum of 2 hours or a maximum of 2 days.

- Make your pâte à choux. In a saucepan combine the butter, sugar, salt, and 1 cup water and bring to a boil over medium high heat, then immediately remove from the heat. With a wooden spoon, quickly stir in the flour until combined. Return the pan to medium-high heat and cook, stirring continuously, until the mixture pulls away from the sides and a film forms on the bottom of the pan, about 3 minutes.
- Transfer the batter to the bowl of an electric mixture fitted with a paddle attachment and mix on low speed until slightly cooled, about 1 minute. Increase the speed to medium and add the whole eggs, one at a time, beating until incorporated before adding the next egg. Test the batter by touching it with your finger and lifting to form a soft peak. If it doesn’t form a soft peak then add the egg white, a little at a time, until a soft peak forms.
- Place the batter into a pastry bag fitted with a 1/2 inch plain tip. Pipe the batter onto a parchment lined baking sheet about 1 1/2 inches apart. Martha instructs to mark lines of about 3 1/2 inches with a pencil and ruler on your parchment to guide you (flipping the parchment over before piping on the batter) but I didn’t – you may want to though, seeing as how my éclairs came out a tad crooked.
- Place your baking sheet in a pre-heated 425F oven. If you have two racks, place them on the upper and lower thirds so you can bake two pans at once, if not you will just have to do it in batches like I did. After 10 minutes at 425F, lower the heat to 350F. Continue to bake for 25-30 minutes more until the pastries are golden brown. Transfer pastries to a wire rack to cool completely.

- Make your glaze. Scrape the vanilla bean seeds into the milk and mix thoroughly. Let this stand for about an hour. Whisk the confectioners’ sugar gradually into the milk, until you get the desired consistency. It shouldn’t be too runny. It will feel quite thick but still slowly run down the sides of the éclairs.

- Assemble your éclairs. Poke a hole on the side of one pastry shell. Widen the hole with the pastry tip you will use for filling. Repeat with the other pastry shells.
- Place your crème pâtissière in a pastry bag fitted with a 1/4 inch plain tip. Insert the tip into the hole you’ve made in the pastry shell and pipe to fill it. Repeat with the other pastry shells.
- I didn't have a small pastry tip so I sliced the shells open and filled them that way. Not the tidiest thing but in a pinch it does the job.
- Place the filled éclairs on a wire rack and drizzle, drape, or pipe on the glaze. Sprinkle with some gold or silver dragees if you are feeling fancy, and let the glaze set.

This may seem like a very multi-step process, and it is, but you can break this down over a couple of days so as not to overwhelm. You can make the crème pâtissière up to two days before, stored in the fridge. The glaze can be made a day before and stored in the fridge as well. Just give each a good stirring before using. The pate au choux can be made a day before and stored in an airtight container at room temperature (note though that it will soften as it sits). You can assemble everything before you plan to serve the éclairs, but make sure to leave enough time for the glaze to set.

***Now, a giveaway!!***
I used some of the vanilla beans I received from the kind folk at The Vanilla Company, who bring these precious beans to our shores. For the crème pâtissière I used a gold label Tahitian bean, plump and moist and headily aromatic. For the glaze I wanted a softer version of the same so I used the regular Tahitian. This was my first time baking with real vanilla beans and I so enjoyed it! Now, I’d like to share the joy with one of you (because you’re a fantastic bunch and because I love that you come here and keep me company!) I will be giving away one pack of these vanilla bean beauties!! All you have to do to join is leave a comment on this post. I will be placing your names in a hat and picking one. This is open to all readers in the Philippines and beyond.

These may not at all look like the elegant French pastries that we press our noses against glass to stare at, but delicious nonetheless, and proudly my own. The vanilla beans impart such a deep and encompassing fragrance and flavor that a few uneven edges can and will be forgiven. I loved the crème pâtissière! Creamy and vanilla-infused, I wanted to eat it out of a bowl with a spoon, like a comforting as English custard.

Many times, unusual and odd parts together make the most charming wholes. Let’s embrace what makes us, us, and never let anything keep us from making our éclairs and eating them too!

Posted by: gorgeous at 03:30 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 1635 words, total size 10 kb.

March 03, 2014

Sticky Buns...Do I Dare?

Guess what! C’mon…look around. Is anything new? I’m sure you can figure it out Ok, here’s a clue – see the super-cool logo above? What about the matching one on my sidebar? Yes, by jove it’s true…I’ve gone and become a Daring Baker Speed Dating!

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I got the email inviting me to join this band of culinary swashbucklers who have been forging a brave path through baking fears and challenges; tucking such tricky things as Crepe Cake, Gâteau St. Honoré, Bagels, Strawberry Mirror Cake, and Croissants, under their collective belt with panache and finesse. Could I really become one of them? Oh I hope so!

With more than a fair share of nervousness I waited for my first challenge, silently praying that it wouldn’t be in the Gâteau St. Honoré family…not for the first, please patron saint of baking! So I was happy and more than a bit relieved when I found out that this month’s challenge was…Cinnamon and/or Sticky Buns. Not that I had much experience doing that either!

The host of this round, and chooser of this challenge, is Marce of Pip in the City. You can check out the original recipe (for both the cinnamon buns and the sticky buns, each with its own topping) here.

So on with the challenge! Like ever newbie, ridiculously thrilled and shaking in her strappy sandals and flowered apron, I printed out the recipe and industriously read it over and over. I bought everything I needed, stocked in my little kitchen, ready for the blessed event of bun-making. I decided to make just the sticky buns, partly because with only C and I here I knew we couldn’t handle (eating-wise) a deluge of buns, and partly because I wanted to keep it nice and simple for my first challenge. There would be no overextending and pulling of any ligaments even before I was out of the starting gate! The only modification I made (which was one of the allowed modifications) was to substitute the raisins in the sticky bun topping to dried figs…leftover from my SHF cookies.

Like all yeasted recipes, lots of "waiting time” comes into play what with the first-rise and second-rise, but aside from that everything went pretty smoothly. From the feedback I was reading from the other Daring Bakers (yes, there’s a whole support network of bakers who can virtually hold your hand while you bake!), it seemed that everything was going well: recipe straightforward, dough a dream to work with, and buns absolutely delicious.

Same for me. Well, except for a tricky moment with the dough.

Like everyone was saying, my dough was also amazingly soft and pillowy. But it was too soft. So soft that when I rolled it up and cut it, I had to re-roll my buns because, soft as the dough was, I could not for the life of me get even close to a semblance of a tight roll. But I needn’t have worried because they came out gorgeously sweet and sticky! I quickly dispatched some off to my best friend, my mother low interest personal loan, and my brother, who all gave it the stamp of approval (my mother’s only comment though was that it was a bit too sweet but trust me, she says that about everything). C liked it too!

These were my kind of buns. The bun itself was really soft, the glaze a sticky-sweet glue the clung to the buns and gently permeated parts of it. And I loved the figs! Sorry raisins, but I don’t think we will be seeing you for as while

Whew! First challenge tucked under my belt. Perhaps not with as much panache and finesse as I had hoped, but give me time and let’s see what else I will dare to do

Now go check out the Daring Bakers Blogroll for a load of fantastic buns craniosacral massage!

Posted by: gorgeous at 02:24 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 663 words, total size 4 kb.

February 13, 2014

Stir Fried Chicken with Dried Chillies

What is life if not a juggling act, a dance, a frenetic shimmy here, and languorous glide there? We try to keep pace, keep as much balls in the air as we can. We’re not happy unless our agendas are filled to the brim, including margins and side notes….only to moan and cry as we struggle to check each task off. When did "busy” and "stressed” become status symbols dr max?

Not everyone is like this. Oh no. There are brilliant people who know the real score and smile gently in the background as we do our frantic dance, racing to somewhere nameless with only the stubborn knowledge that we must race there, ideally with a hundred balls in the air and oh the chiding if we let one slip. These people have got it all figured out.

I don’t.

I still throw myself onto the hamster-wheel, running pell-mell into nowhere. I still grab much too many balls and then sigh about having to keep them all sailing smoothly dc brushless motor.

But I’m learning.

I’m learning that I can set the pace at which I dance. I can choose the music and the steps too. I can choose how many balls I want to juggle, and which I can leave behind for others. I’m learning that all dancers have breaks and so should I. That doing nothing sometimes has its own purpose (my strong predisposition for "me-time” helps me along). That sometimes it is not life that is complicated, but we that make it so.

Cooking is one of those "balls” that I gladly keep in the air. It nourishes me and my family, but I’ll have to admit that I also cook for purely selfish reasons. I love it. It makes me happy. In truth, it is the therapy that keeps my stress at bay. As does scribbling it all down here dr max. I suppose I wouldn't be doing it for almost 6 years if it wasn't

Stir Fried Chicken with Dried Chillies
(adapted from Xi Yan Cuisine by Jacky Yu)

400 grams chicken thigh fillets
1 egg white
A big pinch of sea salt
2 teaspoons cornstarch
10 pieces dried chillies (adjust based on your preferred level of heat)
1 teaspoon finely chopped garlic
1/2 - 1 teaspoon whole Sichuan peppercorns, ground
1/3 cup roasted peanuts
Canola or other vegetable oil for frying
1 tablespoon Shaoxing wine
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon Chinese black vinegar
1 tablespoon water
1 - 1 1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon sesame oil

- Cut the chicken fillets into 1-2 inch chunks. Mix with egg white, salt, and 2 teaspoons cornstarch and let this marinate for 1 hour.
- Mix Shaoxing wine, soy sauce data backup, black vinegar, water, sugar, 1 teaspoon cornstarch, and sesame oil together and set aside.
- Heat oil in a wok or skillet. Fry chicken until about 60% done (you will finish cooking it later). Drain and set aside.
- Drain pan leaving only about 2 tablespoons of oil. Add the dried chillies and garlic and stir fry until chillies are toasted (slightly burnt is the original directive). Return chicken to the wok and fry. Add the sauce and cook further. Add peanuts and ground Sichuan pepper and toss until everything is well coated and the sauce is sticky.

I have taken liberties with the original recipe and have adjusted some things to suit what is easily available for me. The original called for caltrop starch which I have not the foggiest clue where to find, so I substituted it with cornstarch. The original also indicated Zhenjiang vinegar, which is likewise unavailable (if anyone has a supplier in Manila let me know!) so I used regular Chinese black vinegar instead dr max.

I found this recipe in a old cookbook my godfather and his wife gave me. They live in Hong Kong and had attended a function of the chef/author (who has a restaurant in Singapore). His name is Jacky Yu and I know nothing about him except that he looks young and happy, his cookbook is half in Chinese Spotlight LED, and that I love his stir fried chicken with chillies. And that's enough for me. In my kitchen I dictate how complicated or simple I want things to be.

Posted by: gorgeous at 08:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 726 words, total size 5 kb.

January 09, 2014

Chinese Alcohol Contains Three Kinds of Animal Penises

three penis liquor

Alcohol is infused with some pretty weird ingredients nowadays, but Tezhi Sanbian Jiu" or "Three-Penis Liquor" is arguably the strangest. According to Foodbeast Enterprise Endpoint Backup, the odd rice wine spirit is available in supermarkets in Shanghai and was specially brewed with seal penis, deer penis Cloud Service, and Cantonese dog penis. Traditional Chinese medicine reportedly stipulates that animal penises can help increase male vitality freemax starre pro.

Posted by: gorgeous at 04:33 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 79 words, total size 1 kb.

January 06, 2014

Limpid spring time

Such as the spring flood surging hit, Yunjuanyunshu, cloud swallow, mountain waterfalls, turning green, I walk on the grass green flowers overflowing season, the heart is warm.......

A ray of sunshine pouring, sprinkle in the courtyard, gently open the window, let the gentle caresses, liusi swaying, fingering the windowsill, the soft color curtains fluttered, across the cheeks, the heart gradually float, I alone in the quiet hours, enjoying the beautiful Chunyang, courtyard and greener tom ford sunglasses, Yoji Momori Mimosa blossom, flower, fragrance overflowing dispersion, bathed in the corner. This moment is dense poetic mind, you brought me into the attractive conservatory, list the world book, find a poetic gaily painted pleasure boat, volatile ink book it, drink tea, have a clear day.

A mountain of brilliant everywhere, gently over the town, the clouds across the mountains through the building, street flower brocade cluster, people smile and walk through the busy streets, Khaled crosscurrent, petal fragrance, a wild profusion of vegetation, all the way through the smelling flowers go, little elegant incense filled the air in there, the whole town the joys of spring, willow lined, Qin heart.

Walking in the depths of the willow, time scratches across the land, the slightest shadow scattered on the ground, the little white flowers filled the alley, the petals have a beautiful story, a spring incense wafts over the tree, the birds cheerful head to poetry, to open my heart.

Under the sun, I am attached to his charming spring, stone fence deep water academy, ridge on the fragrance of the grass, gradually yellow cauliflower crazy dyeing, cowboy songs still floating in the green garden, you brought me approached the boundless Springfield, Yin Song poetry, and taste the spring garden, Jiangshan Jiao; all the way to reward the magnificent scenery, south of the smoke, Xiushan Chunshui, song curl, from the blue mist slowly in the green water, beautiful mountain village water block.

A small boat down swim in the green mountains and rivers, pools show pond ripples, a moving through time and space, ears, "sun ah good scenery picturesque scenery Cloud Provider, the little boat come up the road waving" this song singing euphemism, drunk in my heart, sing the green green grass by the river, singing the spring flowers, leaves. The dock, girls dressed in embroidered clothing, lovingly pathetic, DIA NOM the accent, be reluctant to part with her brother to send away, this scene let me indulge them, I seem to have become a picture.

A pleasant breeze and clear day, the day of spring water draining into streams, mountains, green bamboo, bamboo shoots sprouting, full slope of incense and flowers filled the air, aroma diffuse mountain wild herbs, pick your own full basket, pick the arm through the green stone path, Mancheng willow wind, tidbits splash Yan, Butterfly bee dance, the fresh smell filled with hedge school, the masters of hospitality, personally cooked food full of wild herbs of disc, put a table full of, see I see things in a blur, I DC slobber Chan, a few small cup of wine red in the face, the sweet wine, the world delicious over the tip of the tongue, very tasty, comfortable with iPhone 4 casing.

Posted by: gorgeous at 06:46 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 538 words, total size 4 kb.

December 30, 2013

Cranberry Sauce with Red Wine and Figs

People often ask me what Parisians do for Thanksgiving. And while many

French holidays are celebrated in America, Thanksgiving is one that doesn

’t cross the Atlanticproduct labeling.

I’ve done a Thanksgiving dinner for friends and it takes quite a bit of

time to find and assemble all the ingredients. And although a few stores

that cater to American expats stock everything, it’s more fun to make

fresh pumpkin puree for pies, break up a pain au levain for stuffing, and

to get a free-range French turkey – which I found out that many poultry

sellers with rotisseries will pop it on their spit-roaster for youCCIBA, which

is a boon for those in Paris with dinky ovens.

And, if I may be so bold, Thanksgiving is a holiday where we spend eating

food that doesn’t especially appeal to people outside of the United

States. The French eat pumpkins, but roastedMen fashion, and not in dessert. (Nor

with marshmallows!) The French version of stuffing, or farce is mostly

meat, with a bit of seasonings to round out the flavor. And flour-

thickened brown gravy isn’t quite the same as sauce au jus de volaille.

So while we Americans love all that stuff for nostalgic reasons, people

in France don’t have that same set of references we do, and most seem to

politely "appreciate” it, but I don’t know any French people who hoard

molasses or stuffing mix, or spend the few months prior to November

downloading Thanksgiving recipes.

Posted by: gorgeous at 03:34 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 254 words, total size 2 kb.

October 24, 2013

But before we go any deeper

Nicotine vaporizer companies have a bit of a conundrum. While, legally, they can’t market themselves as smoking cessation devices, most vapers are current or former cigarette smokers. In fact, the CDC says that fewer than 4 percent people who had never tried traditional cigarettes have ever tried using a vaporizer outdoor spotlights.
I’m a smoker. It’s disgusting. I hate it. I’ve quit once before and then started up again, and I’m currently dedicating myself to quitting one last time. It’s one of the most difficult things I’ve ever done. And the Juul, in my opinion, is a huge part of that process.
But before we go any deeper, this isn’t a review of the Juul against other vaporizers. This is, rather, a review of the Juul vaporizer as I view it now, after a year of using it alongside analog cigarettes and trying desperately to replace them with this little vape.
The Good
As I said, this isn’t a comparison of the Juul vs. other vaporizers. I’ve tried a few, but none for an extended period of time. That said, as a smoker, the Juul is actually comparable to actual cigarettes in terms of taste and sensation.
That’s because Pax examined the way that smoking cigarettes actually feels, and built the technology around replicating that sensation. The company uses salts found in natural tobacco leaves in the Juul pods to replicate a similar taste/sensation to cigarettes, which makes this one of the best cigarette alternatives I’ve personally tried.
In fact, the tobacco flavor leaves (a much cleaner) taste of cigarette in the mouth, which is a nice touch for folks who are looking to switch from real cigs to e-cigs. Juul pods come in a variety of flavors, including mint, mango, creme brûlée, fruit medley Server Hosting, and, of course, tobacco.
Depending on usage habits, the battery lasts about a day, and takes about an hour to recharge using the USB charger, which is included with the vape and also sold separately for $9.99.
The Juul is slim, easy to fit in a pocket, and isn’t quite as conspicuous as other, more heavy-duty vaporizers on the market. It has no physical buttons, but it does have a single LED indicator to tell you whether or not the battery is charged. The pods themselves are easy to change and aren’t as messy as vaporizers that require you to refill manually .
Plus, Juul Pods have become a bit easier to find. What once was primarily available online only can now be found in the lots of vape shops female short sleeve t-shirt, as well as a handful of corner stores/bodegas (at least in New York).
Overall, this $50 device has become a mainstay in my pocket.

Posted by: gorgeous at 03:13 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 461 words, total size 3 kb.

September 03, 2013

Aussies stay on top in third Test

Australia continued to turn the screws on England in the third Test, with Brad Haddin taking a screamer to remove Alastair Cook and keep the Ashes fire well and truly burning at Old Trafford.

Ryan Harris got Australia off to the perfect start by knocking over Jonathan Trott just nine overs into day three to have England 3-64 china vpn.

And with time very much of the essence for Australia, Mitchell Starc struck in the shadows of lunch to get key man Cook nicking down the leg-side for 62.

At lunch England were 4-119, trailing by 408.

Trailing 2-0 in the series, Australia must win at Old Trafford and pushing hard to enforce the follow-on appears their best hope.

England are still 208 away from avoiding that mark.

Cook was setting the platform for a match-saving captain's knock before 35-year-old wicketkeeper Haddin took perhaps the best catch of the series so far cheap wood bookcase.

Starc (1-31) bowled an excellent spell where he tempted the England batsmen to leave their comfort zone, and after making 66 not out with the bat - the left-armer got a thick edge from Cook, who was trying to prod him down to fine leg.

Australia's bowlers hunted in a pack and piled on the pressure to keep England restricted to two runs an over for the innings, and star batsman Kevin Pietersen (33 not out) has looked far from settled.

However, on a good batting wicket, Australia can't afford to let big partnerships build - with star Pietersen and the best batsman of the series Ian Bell (4no) now at the crease and Jonny Bairstow and Matt Prior still to come.

Rain is never far away in Manchester, and with interruptions likely over the final days, Australia need to continue to ram home their advantage.

Captain Michael Clarke kept things as fresh as possible on the third morning, switching up his bowlers every couple of overs.

However, spinner Nathan Lyon has surprisingly bowled just the three overs on moving day, despite looking particularly dangerous late on day two.

He's set to play a big role for the rest of the afternoon.

Trott has struggled all series since copping a shocking umpiring decision in the first Test.

At the same point last Ashes series, Trott had 277 runs at 69.25.

But this series he has just 111 at 22.2.

Normally incredibly disciplined, Harris (1-30) got Trott playing at one he shouldn't have, and despite the ball not doing much - it was flicked to Clarke, who took a sharp catch at second slip neo skin lab derma21.

Peter Siddle has 2-18 after making the two crucial breakthroughs late on day two.

Posted by: gorgeous at 08:48 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 453 words, total size 3 kb.

August 16, 2013

Man City lose friendly 2-0 in South Africa

Manuel Pellegrini's spell in charge of Manchester City started with a defeat to South African side Supersport in the first match of the English Premier League side's pre-season campaign.

The Chilean, 59, left Malaga last month to take over as Roberto Mancini's successor.

But second-half goals from Mame Niang and Kermit Erasmus ensured that Pellegrini, who fielded a different team in each half in Pretoria Tape replacement, began with a defeat in the Nelson Mandela Invitational match at Loftus Versfeld.

The 2012 Premier League champions are next in action when they face AmaZulu in Durban on Thursday.

City's Spanish internationals David Silva and Jesus Navas, a new signing from Sevilla, are joining up with the squad in Hong Kong next week, while Argentine representatives Sergio Aguero and Pablo Zabaleta will link up with their teammates in South Africa later this week.

Pellegrini has made it clear Edin Dzeko has a future with the club but the Bosnian striker passed up two early openings at Loftus Versfeld, heading straight at Ronwen Williams from a cross from new signing Fernandinho.

Dzeko also shot straight at Williams after a poor throw out from the goalkeeper and Aleksander Kolarov prodded wide after swapping passes with Dzeko. Samir Nasri slid a ball through for Dzeko but he was twice denied by Williams.

George Maluleka also clipped a free-kick narrowly wide and only a fine sliding challenge from Vincent Kompany stopped Sameegh Doutie giving the South African side the lead travel trade show.

Dzeko also glanced a header narrowly over the bar from a Nasri free-kick just before the interval.

Pellegrini changed his entire team at the break, with Yaya Toure and James Milner among those brought on.

But the home side took the lead 10 minutes into the second period when a cross from Innocent Mdledle was met by a towering header from Niang that beat Costel Pantilimon.

James Milner went close to pulling City level but his effort was blocked by Boalefa Pule after the England midfielder was played in by Alex Nimely and Ivory Coast midfielder Yaya Toure also drove well over the bar baby carrier.

Posted by: gorgeous at 01:55 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 361 words, total size 3 kb.

August 05, 2013

Froome torpedoes rivals, Martin wins stage

Imperious Tour de France leader Chris Froome tightened his grip on the yellow jersey after finishing runner-up to world champion Tony Martin in the race's 11th stage time trial on Wednesday Property investment portal.

Omega-Pharma rider Martin had set the early pace for the windswept 33 km course from Avranches to Mont Saint Michel in 36min 29sec but had a nervous wait as Froome threatened to upset his hopes of victory.

"It was a long wait," said Martin, who started 65th from the 182 starters and finished with the third-fastest ever time for a time trial on the race.

Belgium's Tomas De Gendt, of Vacansoleil, was closest to challenge Martin before Froome but was 1min 01sec slower than the German at the finish line to end up third.

Martin, who had won the last nine time trials in which he has competed, started to get worried when Froome topped the times at both intermediate time checks.

"To be honest, I'd almost given up hope of the stage win. It was starting to look very disappointing when I saw Chris beat my times at the intermediate check," he said.

"I nearly started to cry. I couldn't believe it. I expected that Froome might get to within 30 seconds or something like that but not beating me at the intermediates.

"Now I'm really happy and maybe it's nicer to win this way."

Martin's win was all the more welcome as he came close to leaving the race after the crash-marred opening stage, which took swathes of skin off his back, legs lace and embroidery, arms and buttocks.

"Luckily some of my skin is back and I can sleep on my back again. I'm more-or-less recovered... for sure there are still some wounds that are open but we riders are used to this so it's no problem any more."

Froome missed what would have been his third stage win in the race, but there were other rewards for the Kenyan-born Briton.

"I'm very happy with the time I set. The objective today was to try and take the maximum time possible from my rivals," said Froome, who won Olympic time trial bronze in London last year.

He finished 2:03 ahead of principal rival Alberto Contador of Spain, and 2:00 ahead of his compatriot Alejandro Valverde, while Australia's Cadel Evans finished 2:30 off the pace.

Movistar leader Valverde remains second overall but saw his deficit of 1:25 balloon to 3:25, while Dutchman Bauke Mollema of Belkin moved up to third to sit 3:37 in arrears.

Contador, the race champion in 2007 and 2009, is fourth at 3:54 while 2011 champion Evans is 14th at 6:54 after finishing a disappointing 21st.

Asked if he could beat Froome, Valverde, who won the 2009 Tour of Spain but has never finished on the podium of the Tour de France, just shook his head and said: "Difficult... difficult."

Contador, a climbing specialist like Froome but who was less suited to the flat, mostly linear race course, said he has not given up hope.

"No one's lost this race yet and no one has won it. There's a lot of racing to be done," said the Spaniard.

The onus will now be on Team Sky's rivals to attack Froome during four tough stages in the Alps beginning Sunday, as they did last Sunday when aggressive racing on stage nine destabilised the British team and ended the podium hopes of Froome's teammate Richie Porte.

Asked how he expected his rivals to race next weekend, Froome said: "Like we saw last weekend, other teams are going to throw everything they've got at us MPLS VPN service.

"We're just going to try and have to deal with that the best we can with the team that we've got.

Posted by: gorgeous at 08:44 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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July 11, 2013

Hammett won't rule out return for Nonu

Coach Mark Hammett says the door isn't completely closed on erratic All Black Ma'a Nonu returning to the Hurricanes next year, although the prospect seems a distant one.

The 11th-placed Hurricanes have begun planning for 2014 after slipping out of Super Rugby playoff contention with last weekend's 34-22 loss to the competition-leading Chiefs Managed Security.

Hammett has Saturday's home game against the Highlanders and next week's fixture away to the Crusaders to salvage some pride and go closer to securing his player roster for next year.

When it was suggested veteran centre Nonu could rejoin the franchise he left under controversial circumstances two years ago, Hammett said he hadn't considered the possibility.

"We've got a good bunch of midfielders and good young kids coming through," he said.

"(But) We're always looking at our squad moving forward. You never say never."

Nonu played 110 games for the Hurricanes from 2003 to 2011 but wasn't offered a contract beyond that after falling out with Hammett.

The 31-year-old played one disappointing season for the Blues last year before leaving under a cloud to join the Highlanders.

Another average campaign, which followed a short stint in Japanese club rugby, ended last weekend when he was sent off against the Crusaders.

It has created a perception that Nonu saves his best rugby for the All Blacks, for whom he has played 79 Tests.

Hammett says while it is a busy time of year for negotiating with players coming off contract, the bulk of his largely young squad will be retained.

He says he won't be impressed if Hurricanes players who aren't yet contracted beyond this year suddenly improve over the last two games in pursuit of a new deal.

"If that's the motivation, then potentially we've got the wrong character to start with," he said.

"If I start finally seeing an improvement in a player because he was coming off contract, that would be an alarm bell for me."

Hammett has made two starting changes for the Highlanders game, promoting wing Alapati Leiua and blindside flanker Faifili Levave from the reserve bench to replace Matt Proctor and Brad Shields respectively.

Samoan international Jack Lam comes onto the reserve bench while injury has kept hooker Dane Coles (calf) and flanker Ardie Savea (ankle) sidelined Enterprise Endpoint Backup.

Hurricanes: James Marshall, Alapati Leiua, Conrad Smith, Reynold Lee-Lo, Julian Savea, Beauden Barrett, TJ Perenara, Victor Vito, Karl Lowe, Faifili Levave, James Broadhurst, Jeremy Thrush, Ben May, Ash Dixon, Ben Franks. Reserves: Reggie Goodes, John Schwalger, Mark Reddish, Brad Shields, Jack Lam, Chris Smylie, Matt Proctor.

Posted by: gorgeous at 09:36 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 434 words, total size 3 kb.

July 02, 2013

Man due in court after Taupo stand-off

a man arrested after an armed dispute in Taupo late on Sunday will face court on Tuesday.

The 38-year-old will appear in Rotorua District Court on an assault charge related to an alleged family violence incident, and on a firearms charge headphone stand.

The Armed Offenders Squad arrived at the Rangitera Street home late on Sunday after a woman arrived at a police station claiming to have been assaulted gear motor.

The squad spent the night at the scene talking to the man, who is aged in his 30s, armed with a gun and believed to have mental health concerns playgroup.

He was coaxed out by negotiators and taken into custody without incident .

Posted by: gorgeous at 07:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 121 words, total size 1 kb.

June 24, 2013

Jury mulls rape and kidnap verdict
A jury has retired to consider its verdict in the case of a Wairarapa man accused of raping and kidnapping a teenager.

Michael Lihou, 44, denies a total of eight counts that he raped, sexually assaulted, assaulted, kidnapped and threatened to kill the then 17-year-old in Carterton last year jeans embroidery, following a drinking and smoking cannabis session.

The woman said she had been employed by Lihou to write his memoirs, but the job didn't involve much paperwork and they spent a lot of time drinking and getting stoned.

Judge Warwick Gendall on Friday gave his instructions on how to treat the evidence presented during the five-day trial in the High Court at Wellington.

The case is unusual in that the jury has been informed Lihou has convictions for similar rape and kidnapping charges in 1988 and 1996.

The Crown says that there are similarities in the incidents, but Justice Gendall warned the jury the earlier convictions were only one part of the evidence.

"He has done some awful things before but he is entitled to be judged by you in a manner that does not involve prejudice or sympathy wine class."

Lihou's lawyer Noel Sainsbury has argued that the woman had consensual sex with Lihou following a night of "diesel and weed" and willingly went with him when they walked into the Wairarapa countryside.

He said she made up the rape and other accusations because she realised her father and boyfriend would be furious with her for spending the night with Lihou.

She knew Lihou had the previous convictions and that her story would be "lapped up" Asian college of knowledge management, Mr Sainsbury said.

Posted by: gorgeous at 04:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 17, 2013

Assange hosts Ecuadorean foreign minister

Australian-born WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has made a fleeting public appearance as he welcomed the Ecuadorean foreign minister to his refuge at the South American country's embassy in London.

Ricardo Patino said Assange was in "good spirits" despite the "limitations" of his accommodation.

The foreign minister is in Britain for a meeting with counterpart William Hague to try and find a solution to the impasse which has led to Assange spending a year in the embassy in a bid to avoid extradition to Sweden.

The foreign minister arrived at the embassy at 6.30pm (0330 AEST) and waved to about a hundred Assange supporters before heading inside the building thailand real estate.

Shortly afterwards, the pair opened a window in Assange's ground floor residence and greeted supporters before returning inside for talks, which lasted around an hour.

"I have just finished meeting with Julian Assange who is in good spirits despite the limitations of his accommodation," said Patino.

"I was able to say face to face to him, for the first time, that the government of Ecuador remains firmly committed to protecting his human rights and that we continue to seek cast iron assurances to avoid any onward extradition to a third state."

Assange and WikiLeaks insist that Britain's real aim in seeking to deport him to Sweden, where prosecutors want to quiz him over sex claims, is to send him to the United States.

"During the meeting we were able to speak about the increasing threats against the freedom of people to communicate and to know the truth, threats which come from certain states that have put all of humanity under suspicion," added Patino.

Assange said Sunday's meeting was "very good" and that Patino had "set out how he and the Ecuadorean government are actively seeking a solution to my present situation.

"I remain immensely grateful to the support Ricardo, President (Rafael) Correa and the people of Ecuador have shown me over the last year," he added.

Hague and Patino are searching for a diplomatic solution to the stalemate, which was triggered when Assange turned up at the embassy demanding asylum on June 19 last year.

Earlier, Ecuadorean Deputy Foreign Minister Marco Albuja said in a phone interview that bilateral "ties really reached a critical point when (last August) there was an inappropriate threat to invade Ecuadorean territory, violating the diplomatic legation, seeking Mr Assange's capture Hong Kong loan important notice.

"That was the key moment at which relations were in danger of being broken off," Albuja said.

"Now there is no real effect on (bilateral) relations, and we have in London, as well as in Quito, a fluid dialogue. Ties are good," Albuja said.

Posted by: gorgeous at 09:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 450 words, total size 3 kb.

March 27, 2013

UK may freeze for another month

The big freeze gripping the UK could last until almost the end of April, weather forecasters predict.

Temperatures are unlikely to recover to normal averages for the time of year until the latter part of next month, the Met Office suggested through its 30-day forecast backup dvd.

Sub-zero temperatures look set to bring misery to thousands of people for the rest of the week and throughout Easter weekend as the dangerous wintry weather shows no immediate signs of abating.

Thousands of people in western Scotland face a sixth day without power on Wednesday after electricity pylons were damaged last week, and many transport routes across the UK remain impassable because of deep snow drifts.

Farmers have been left counting the cost of the blizzard conditions, with many having to rescue stranded livestock at the height of the lambing season.

An RAF Chinook helicopter was called in yesterday to help as part of an emergency operation in Northern Ireland as farms and families were cut off by huge snow drifts Claire Hsu.

The severe weather has also been blamed for the deaths of a number of birds, including puffins, razorbills and guillemots, which have washed up on Britain's beaches.

The Met Office has issued a cold weather alert for much of England, with a 100 per cent probability of severe cold weather and icy conditions until Friday.

Its outlook for Sunday to April 9 predicts cold, dry weather, with a few light snow flurries and widespread frost and icy patches overnight.

And the Met Office predicts temperatures are unlikely to recover to nearer normal values until the latter part of April unlock dvd region.

While there are no forecast for more big snow falls, temperatures as low as minus 6C are predicted overnight.

Posted by: gorgeous at 07:49 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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March 26, 2013

Should canned tuna be banned?

The Mercury Policy Project of Montpelier, a non-profit group trying to reduce mercury in the environment, tested 59 samples of tuna cans and pouches (Thinkstock)
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A group of consumer groups are lobbying the US government to remove canned tuna from school canteens because they're concerned about mercury levels. Fish can become contaminated with mercury when industrial pollution enters a waterway and too much mercury can cause problems with brain development. The Mercury Policy Project of Montpelier, a non-profit group trying to reduce mercury in the environment, tested 59 samples of tuna cans and pouches and found mercury levels varied within each sample. Overall the mercury levels were similar to the US government's findings, however they told USA Today that they were concerned that the methylmercury content ranged from 0.02 to 0.64 parts per million in light tuna and 0.19 and 1.27 parts per million in albacore tuna. "On any given day in a given school, children eating the same meal could get mercury doses that vary by tenfold, just because of the variability of the chunk of meat in the packet," said Edward Groth, author of the report online marketing.

However Dr Maxine Bonham, a senior lecturer in nutrition and dietetics at Monash University, told MSN NZ the health benefits of eating fish outweigh the mercury risks. "The mercury content of all processed or canned fish is regulated and there are set limits that it should be kept within and those limits have been proven as safe," she said. "In the study, there has been no long-term evidence that consumption … would have any adverse outcomes on a child's development." Food Standards New Zealand recommend children eat two to three 75gm serves of fish per week or just one serve of flake, marlin, sea perch and swordfish, which have a higher mercury risk. "The World Health Organisation have recently come out and said the benefits of eating fish wine tasting, in terms of cognitive development, outweigh any adverse affect that mercury would have in the system,"

Dr Bonham said. "The emphasis is on increasing fish consumption, rather than worrying about the content of mercury. There are requirements around certain fish that are good to avoid during pregnancy and in a vulnerable group like young children but the overall evidence leans beneficially towards the protective and beneficial effects of the fats in fish." Dr Bonham said you would need an "awful lot" of mercury to impair cognition. "The main cases that have shown mercury poisoning have been industrial pollution when huge amounts have gotten into the environment and contaminated people through eating," she said spa hong kong.

Posted by: gorgeous at 09:25 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 18, 2013






從絕望中尋找希望、忍受孤獨、失敗與屈辱,把小事業做成大事業……回顧創業直至今日,俞敏洪表示:"自從人類社會建立以來就從未消除過不公平。面對不公平,不同的人生表現出積極、消極兩種不同態度。消極的態度有百害而無一利。正如人的出身,根本無從選擇。唯一能夠做的,就是通過自己的努力來改變命運office interior design。”




多年以前,當俞敏洪身無長物之時,提出了做培訓行業這個夢想,得到了一群志同道合的同學支持。於是,新東方有了最初的雛形。多年以來,從一個默默無聞的培訓班,發展到今天的上市公司,俞敏洪十分感激這些信任他並跟他一直走下去的員工。 "他們說,反正跟你回去,有飯吃,我不會餓著,你有粥喝,我也有的喝。”











在大學期間,每天精讀大量書籍。俞敏洪這個習慣,一直保持到現在。 "我前天統計了一下2011年一共讀了54本書,我的原規劃是80本,但是太忙了,沒有辦法。”俞敏洪認為讀書不僅能保持思考,更重要的是保持學習和進步。





Posted by: gorgeous at 04:21 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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January 05, 2013



我不苛刻追求完美,就如我不在畫之前鑑賞這白紙一般,夠抒胸懷即可。什麼不分三六九等,追求是無止境的,該來的總是如此匆匆,夢一世別離,聞擦肩之香,恍然人海中,我已堅定的踏下那一步,步畫捲而來… …

Posted by: gorgeous at 02:02 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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December 19, 2012

Old love old habits

Maybe you have to leave a person for a long time advertising premium, you don't love him, but one day, suddenly you found, you still keep his habits.

He used to before the turn off the audio equipment, to turn the volume down, that can extend the audio equipment life. Years later, you with another man corporate premium. One day, are you in a hurry to go out, in a hurry, you still the first tune the volume, to bring home audio equipment off. Has become your habits. Somewhere in time, he would do it.

He used every time when away from home, all leave a light on. You said he wasted power. And he said, this is his life habits, and will not waste a lot of power. Breaking up over the years, solitary, before each home, also used to leave a light on. Then, with a man together, said the man, who leave home, leave a bit waste. You straighten the vaporous told him: " so as not to waste a lot of powe business giftr. "

All of a sudden, you think, this is not your childhood habits, but you from the former men's habits. You had no dealings with him, you stole his habit, take forcible possession of. If one day, he is in your house, see before you go out, always like a lamp, he will feel proud?

Old lover is already blurred, their old habits, but stayed, those who are accustomed to, perhaps only to open cans, the method of brushing teeth and tone. Imperceptibly, we have become, these habits, may be left to another person executive gift.

Posted by: gorgeous at 06:12 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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November 14, 2012


















臘月,小欣生日。她告別了那些逃課,擅自離開教室,厭惡所有除了班主任以外的老師。來到這所女子學校,沒有了那些哥們兒,她的性格需要改變,或許能夠不讓她再這麼的男孩子氣,每天起床就是一幫女人堆。生日,是一個多麼好的日子,至少可以跟哥們兒他們一起聚起red wine來瘋狂了。那夜的確很瘋。哥們兒蚊子用她手機打了一個木木的號碼。







































































Posted by: gorgeous at 03:32 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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